Home » Research offer » Tests of mechanical properties

Tests of mechanical properties

  • statistic tensile (Rm, R2, ReL, EeH, A) and compression tests (Rc, RpLc, Rc0.2, a) at ambient and elevated temperature, bending and shearing tests at ambient temperature,
  • hardness measurement by Vickers, Rockwell, Brinell method (HV, HRC, HBW) and microhardness measurement by Vickers method.


ass. prof. Grzegorz Boczkal, Ph.D., D.Sc.
tel.: 12 617 26 97
e-mail: gboczkal@agh.edu.pl

Ph.D. Paweł Pałka
tel.: 12 617 5074
e-mail: pawel.palka@agh.edu.pl

Ph.D. Tomasz Skrzekut
tel. 12 617 44 41
e-mail: skrzekut@agh.edu.pl

  • fatigue tests


Ph.D. Piotr Noga 
tel. 12 617 26 45 
e-mail: pionoga@agh.edu.pl